Monday, December 3, 2007

Gas Prices

As a kid I never really thought about how much gas was. I really didn't start thinking about it until I started driving and got my own car. I can remember when gas was just about to get to $2 per gallon and everyone couldn't believe that it was so high. Look at us now, we think that gas is cheap if it gets down to $2.5o. It bugs me so much how the gas prices go up and down so randomly like it does sometimes. The main time every year that it gets to be really high is in the summer but after this past summer it had went down a good bit. Than all of a sudden it started rising again out of no where. I recently herd of a plan that I think might help to bring the gas prices back down and stop the oil companies from having so much power over the price. The plan is to get EVERYONE to stop buying gas from one or two companies completely. This will force those companies to lower their prices to try and save their business. Which in turn will force all the other companies to do the same just so that they can compete. If this plan can be put into effect and carried out by enough people than I believe that we can get gas prices back to a reasonable price range.

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